Initialization Error: 135dec40:90f690cf
This issue has been fixed in Patch
Game Crashes when Cat Interacts with Vacuum Robot
The game crashes when cats interact with the vacuum robot.
Endless Update Looping
This issue is now obsolete as Origin was replaced by EA app.
[Mac] Endless loading screen when trying to load a savegame
This bug was fixed in Patch 1.69.57/ 1.35
Initialization Error: 135dec40:3fbbecd0
Cause for this error is unknown but could be related to corrupt VC++ Installations.
Screenshots not saving/ Can’t activate Mods/CC
Anti virus programs that come with ransom protection often block Sims to make changes to the user folder. This can lead to all sorts of problems.
Changing the options doesn’t stick
Tips you can try if changes in the options don't stick and reset themselves.
Unclickable screen areas/ Mouse cursor doesn’t change
If you can't click on certain areas of the game, it's usually caused by a background program that causes an overlay using up that space.
Gallery Newsfeed stays empty
Delete notify.glob in your documents folder if your news feed stays empty.
White/Red/Black Checkered Sims with Question Marks/ Missing Textures
The past patches Origin has failed to properly patch many games leading to incomplete installations. Suggestions what you can try to solve this.