Clean Saves with S4Studio – Basics
Data and errors accumulate over the course of a savegame's life. Some of these can be cleaned up by directly editing the save file with Sims 4 Studio (S4Studio). Some of my blog posts contain such instructions. I've compiled the most important basics in this posts so the individual blog post don't become too long.
Objects in neighborhoods are not getting cleaned up
Over time more and more litter is accumulating in neighborhoods. This range from food and drinks to flea market furniture or even snow pals.
Patch 1.111.102/2.04
Today we get another patch (probably the last for 2024) with an integrated SDX delivery.
Cozy Celebrations Event
The there event Cozy Celebrations lasts from December, 3rd to ? and you can get free rewards for solving quests in the game. You are collecting event points that you can exchange for rewards.
Issues with Rebirth
Issues with the rebirth
Patch 1.110.311/2.03
Today we get a small e-patch. This patch also prepares the game or the upcoming creator's kits.
Heirlooms and Will
Overview on heirlooms and wills.
Patch 1.110.265/2.01
Today we get the big preparation patch for Life & Death. Since this is a pre-EP patch there's also lots of new things coming. There are also quite a few bug fixes
Endless loading – developmental_milestone_tracker
Specific households can't be loaded because objects that have associated milestones were removed from the game.
Patch 1.109.207/2.00
Today we get a small e-patch to fix some issues with the Reaper’s Rewards Event. Additionally the rewards from Happy Home Login Event are finally added to base game for everyone.