Sims can’t gift/give food items
This bug was fixed in Patch 1.105.345/1.90
The following interactions fall from the queue without being done (list not conclusive)
- Gifting something to another Sim
- Giving food to a toddler from inventory (interaction on the toddler)
- Giving a gift for charity
- Contribute to Pack Resources
- Offering servings of food to specters in the paranormal career
- Giving food to NPCs for village errands (esp. Agatha)
- Eating a grilled cheese in space for the grilled cheese aspiration
- Offerings to the statue at uni
- Offerings at the alter of the secret society
- Fertilizing plants
- Gifting veggie/meat meals to birds and rabbits
- Submit Pies to Finchwick Fair
There are probably many more interactions affected by this. Basically everything that opens a picker menu.
When trying to create the dialog for picking an object (UI_dialog_picker) the game fails and the whole interaction is just canceled.
This happens if you have the following items in your inventory (list not conclusive)
- Prepped/Spoiled food
- Paintings
Related Exception
<desyncdata>Exception in Unknown timeline: Exception running Element (TypeError: 4.000000059604645 has type <class 'float'>, but expected one of: int, long)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\scheduling.py", line 219, in simulate
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\elements.py", line 376, in _run
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\base\picker_interaction.py", line 2242, in _run_interaction_gen
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\base\picker_interaction.py", line 473, in _show_picker_dialog
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\ui\ui_dialog.py", line 815, in show_dialog
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\ui\ui_dialog.py", line 527, in show_dialog
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\ui\ui_dialog_service.py", line 158, in dialog_show
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\ui\ui_dialog_picker.py", line 1283, in build_msg
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\ui\ui_dialog_picker.py", line 1331, in build_object_picker
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\ui\ui_dialog_picker.py", line 1649, in _build_customize_picker
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\ui\ui_dialog_picker.py", line 558, in populate_protocol_buffer
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\google\protobuf\internal\cpp_message.py", line 107, in SetterTypeError: 4.000000059604645 has type <class 'float'>, but expected one of: int, longrtim=0
- The interactions work if you don’t have paintings or prepped food in your inventory (this doesn’t help if you need to give food items)
- Some interactions have an option on the object in your inventory. Using that will work as no dialog needs to be opened.

- There’s currently no mods to solve this.