Technical Issues

Game Crashes when Cat Interacts with Vacuum Robot


My game constantly crashes while playing without any particular reason.


There’s an issue currently that causes the game to crash if cats interact with vacuum robots. As widely known Cats can ride on vacuum robots. Unfortunately this and other interactions between the two crashes the game.

The game generates a LastException for this issue

<desyncdata>[rez] Posture graph threw an exception while being queried by autonomy: (AssertionError: Source spec not in the posture graph: robotVacuum_sit@object_RobotVacuum_highEnd:0x076b0cc79190d03e, surface:object_RobotVacuumDock:0x076b0cc79190d03d for interaction: running autonomous_Surface_Cat_RunAround:1020 on None (guaranteed))&#13;&#10;Traceback (most recent call last):&#13;&#10;Caught and logged:&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\postures\", line 2893, in _get_transitions_for_sim&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\postures\", line 4840, in get_segmented_paths&#13;&#10;AssertionError: Source spec not in the posture graph: robotVacuum_sit@object_RobotVacuum_highEnd:0x076b0cc79190d03e, surface:object_RobotVacuumDock:0x076b0cc79190d03d for interaction: running autonomous_Surface_Cat_RunAround:1020 on None (guaranteed)rtim=0&#13;&#10


Delete either the cat or the vacuum robot depending on your preferences.