102/122:a0adad34 / Sims in Limbo
- I’m trying to load a lot in build mode but I’m booted back to the map and get an error code 122:a0adad34.
- I’m trying to load a lot in live mode but I’m booted back to the map and get an error code 102:a0adad34.
I also get the following LastException
Exception raised while processing zone spin up sequence: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'nucleus_id' (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'nucleus_id')
This error occurs if you have a household that doesn’t live anywhere (not even Currently not in world)
There are several reasons why a household gets into this states but most are unclear.
- Outdated Mods/CC
- Households that have been evicted from rental residential lots.
You can try to delete the household which doesn’t seem to work in most cases though.
The easiest solution is then to load a backup or to load all your Sims/houses to the library and move to a new save game. You will loose all your relationships outside your household if you do that though.
If you don’t have a backup, it’s best to put the save game aside until EA/Maxis fixes the bug and play another one in the meantime.
There is another method but it’s time consuming and in some cases just doesn’t seem to work. It’s non-reproducible when trying the same steps again and usually ends in the game crashing. It’s a lot of trial and error. Before starting make sure to create a copy of your save game. I also wouldn’t waste too much time on it.
Save your game under a new name and save all Sims that you care about to the library/gallery.
Start the game through the load button.
On the map change to Manage Households and search for the faulty household.
Use Household Split and Merge and create a new household. Try to move your Sims into this new household. If you’re lucky you can now play both households or the faulty one gets deleted.
You are probably unable to move the entire household into a new one because of another current game issue so you need to spit them.
Try to add extra Sims via CAS to your household if you only have one Sim in your household or the method above didn’t help and then split out those
Especially adding pets seems to help.
If this still didn’t work, move Sims around from one household to the other until the faulty household shows as Currently not in World or is deleted.
Try to start over at some point if it just doesn’t want to work.
Note: The game has a tendency to crash if you move over all the Sims from the right hand side to the left.
As a last step you can clean up any not wanted changes you made to your households once you manage to delete the limbo household or if it shows as Currently not in World again. You can then go on playing. Your households load again.
I recommend saving the game under a new name before cleaning up your households.