Sprites keep bugging after leaving the secret society
This bug was fixed in Patch 1.59.73
Since the sprites have been bugging me so much, my decided to leave the secret society. Unfortunately, they are still appearing all the time and get on my nerves.
It seems that the hidden trait for the membership for the secret society isn’t properly removed after leaving.
I’m getting reports of this not fully fixing the issue. Still investigating for more.
Guess this doesn’t completely work. They do come back after a while and all one can do is remove the moodlets via MCCC.
Remove the trait with a cheat.
testingcheats onMake sure the affected Sim is activetraits.remove_trait trait_CollegeOrganization_SecretSociety_Member
Potentially you’ll also use the following cheats. Only one will apply to your Sim but if you’re not sure which one the Sim has, you can just use both. There’s no negative effect from removing a trait your Sim doesn’t have. Maybe there’s also one for High.
traits.remove_trait trait_Organizations_SecretSociety_Favor_Medtraits.remove_trait trait_Organizations_SecretSociety_Favor_Low