Patch 1.103.250/1.84

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Please do make sure they are redeemed safe by the creator before enabling mods again and backup your save games.
Please also read this post carefully: In Preparation for patching
Today we get the preparation pack for the expansion pack For Rent which releases Thursday.
You can now assign the sinks in the house a type: Bathroom or kitchen. This should prevent the Sims from using the bathroom sinks to wash the dishes. The game now lets you change families from live mode and the no shoe rule has been moved to base game.
There are also a few bugs repaired. The Standard Gas Oven by Blazin’ Ladles from the Dream Home Decorator pack should be functioning again properly and Sims aren’t as obsessed with their mobile phones. Finally the pizza service is starting to deliver at private dwelling lots.
Complete changes below.
Source: EA
Sul Sul Simmers!
The newest expansion pack has been freely living in all our heads and For Rent is finally due! The Property Owner is coming to visit in just a few days, but in the meantime there’s a couple of Base Game additions and a bevy of fixes to call out and share. Our favorite SimGuruNova is going to go into details below. Thanks all!
What’s New ?
Bug Fixes