
No Pizza delivery


I ordered a Pizza but it never arrives

Causes and Solutions

By Design

The Pizza service isn’t a 24 hours service although it’s possible to call 24 hours a day and the message that the Pizza is being delivered appears immediately after ordering. Pizza delivery is only active from 8 am to 2 am.

If you order your Pizza after 2 am in the morning, it will be delivered after 8 am. At that time you should received promptly.

LittleMsSam’s Food Delievery Service not only allows more food variations but also has  24 hour delivery.


If you queue something after the call, the call is not made.

If you queue something after the call, the call is not made.


The pizza won’t be delivered If you order it through Lin-Z. You only get a message that no one was home and the pizza was left outside (which isn’t the case)

Use the phone to order pizza

Bug Fixed

In the course of the years there have been several bugs with the pizza delivery such as the pepperoni pizza never being delivered but those should currently all be fixed.

Bug Fixed

Pizza can’t properly be delivered if the porch is < 4 tiles big.

This bug was fixed in Patch 1.69.57/ 1.35

Last Updated: February 27, 2023