Can’t read to toddler
This bug was fixed in Patch 1.96.365/1.71
Currently neither interaction is working well. You can try the solutions below but they don’t seem to work neither atm. I really hope this issue is addressed before Growing Together comes out.
- I’m trying to read a book to my toddler but the Sim just waves or the action is dropped from the queue
- I’m trying to put my toddler to bed but the Sim just waves and nothing happens.

Ursache & Lösung

Waving Sims usually point towards a routing issues – something is in the way and the Sims can’t reach the objects. In the case of reading to toddlers or putting them to bed, the cause is mostly that the long side of the bed is directly adjacent to a wall. or other objects nearby blocking.
Move the bed so only the short side is against the wall. This makes it work better.

The action often gets canceled when a toddler asks for a bedtime story and the Sim that’s supposed to read it is rather far away. This happens a lot if the toddler is really tired or has otherwise low needs.
Make sure the Sim that’s supposed to read the book is in the same room as the toddler asking for the bedtime story or initiate the interaction with the reading Sims instead of the toddler.

The bed from Eco Lifestyle seems to have a general issue with the interactions.
Use a different bed