Neighborhood Action Plans: Sims obsessed with doing specific interactions over and over
The future cubes/Clay spamming was fixed in Patch 1.68.154/ 1.33. There are still a few minor issues with the NAPs but in my eyes the main issues are fixed for now
This problem has been mostly solved in Patch 1.67.45/ 1.32.
This problem was partly address in Patch 1.65.70. The issue with action plans from other neighborhoods getting applied to all NPCs have been fixed but there’s still an issue with Sims that have already been bugged and rotational game play.
It’s no longer necessary to clean up your saves. That happens automatically now. Please see How to prevent further issue if you want to turn off NAPs
I installed the expansion pack Eco Lifestyle and now everything seems to go wrong. Among others I have the following issues:
- Sims cook and cook and never eat up (especially white cake)
- All my furniture is disappearing. My own house as well as community lots. This leads to my restaurant being incomplete and non-functional.
- My Sims are obsessed with playing with the future cube and the lump of clay and constantly interrupt whatever they are doing to play. If I change to another family, I find tons of these objects in the Sims inventory
- NPCs can’t stop playing instruments and gather tons of them in their inventory
- Sims interrupt their interactions to do push-ups
- My Sims are flirting with everyone they see in the streets
- NPCs constantly start brawls with the neighbors.
- Sims constantly read books and mystery books are created in their inventory.

The cause isn’t clear in every case but the main cause for this are the neighborhood action plans (NAP). Apart from a few bugs, the plans seem to be very much overpowered and the pushes that make Sims do stuff are way too high.
The NAPs all have different properties that makes the NPCs do stuff and that with no limit.
The action plan Sharing is Caring for example make NPCs take your furniture on the active lot and so that soon there’s nothing left. Free Love allows it that each Sim can flirt with others without consequences and other plans make Sims cook, make music or play with the future cube and the lump of clay
Active Sims aren’t supposed to be pushed but playing rotationally can also make them engage in activities you don’t want them to, free will on or not.
- Not only the action plans for your current neighborhood are active (as it’s supposed to be) but all active action plans from every single neighborhood in all worlds. If you have all packs and with up to 4 active action plans in the same hood, it’s all of them very soon. This issue has been fixed
- NPCs Sims get applied commodities as soon as they visit a lot that has certain action plans in place. If you now switch lots without all Sims leaving, these commodities get stuck on the Sim, pushing them to do things even if the Sims are active.
- Commodities not properly removed for rotational players and possibly other scenarios like travelling
- Instruments/Future Cubes/Mystery Books and Clay being created inside the inventory. There was a bug with this before. They should only be there temporarily so Sims can use them to fulfill the need but not be made permanent in the inventory. Sims have always had an obsession with clay if there was one around so the creation might lead to use of them even if no NAP is in place.
- Excessiveness. There should probably be a longer cool down. This seems to vary depending on the NAP.
- Sharing is caring is a whole other bug cause the limitation of what’s getting stolen isn’t working correctly. As active Sims I think you can only take certain low-priced items but NPCs can take whatever they like. It’s also overly excessive
- Possible other issue with Fake news. Don’t know if that all can be accounted for by the NAP or if there’s a similar issue as the disgust one
- Herbalism has a bug that lets Sims start on a grill and then finish on a stove which leads NPCs to enter your house uninvited.
To solve the current issues with Action Plans on existing saves, there’s a few things you can do. All of them are only temporary and involve a lot of work to clean up existing saves.
Make your own decisions which route is the best for you.
Falls du dein gesamtes Spiel bereinigen und versuchen willst, dass die Fehler nicht mehr auftreten oder du keine Mods verwenden willst/kannst, kannst du die Sims bereinigen, in dem du sie auf ein Grundstück einlädst, auf dem zur Zeit die jeweiligen Aktionspläne aktiv sind und stelle sicher, dass sie das Grundstück verlassen bevor du wechselst. Dies funktioniert nur für NPCs da aktive Sims die Commodities eigentlich nicht haben sollten und sie deshalb auch nicht entfernt werden. Du kannst auch die NAPs ausser Kraft setzten während die Sims auf dem Grundstück sind. Dies entfernt die Commodities auch.
If you are mainly annoyed by active Sims interrupting their given interactions to do something else, fix only the active Sims with Cheats after switching. You can also fix NPCs that do stuff they shouldn’t this way. All you need is the ID of the Sim to enter with the cheat if you can’t make it active). You do need the AllCheats Mod by TwistedMexi for this to work hence also not a solution for console.
- Type in the Cheat Console: testincheats true
- Make sure the Sim you want to fix is active or get his ID with either Show/Search Sim Info Mod or by cheat (sims.get_sim_id_by_name <first name> <last name>)
- Type the following cheat: stats.remove_stat commodity_civic_Policy_Effect_NPCAutonomy_<Name of the NAP> <ID of the Sim> (see list above for values)
Most mods have become obsolete but Eco Lifestyle Interactions Fixes by Simvasion still help to make gameplay better.
How to prevent further issues
If you’re starting a new save, it’s best to turn off NPC voting in the options. This way you can control which action plans are active or have non at all. Action plan auto-voting is in place for all neighborhoods that have households in your households (so if you favorited families in the household manager or played with them, the neighborhood they live in becomes eligible for auto-voting). Be aware that there’s another bug where you will still get messages for NAPs being put in place but it’s just a faulty message, they aren’t really in place.

If you already have existing NAPs you want to repeal you can do so by either choosing Repeal Neighborhood action plan or via cheat (testingcheats true -> Shift-Click on the mail box or the board). You do need to switch to a family that’s lives in the neighborhood to do so.