Wrong Lot Type for Residential Lots
This bug was fixed.
Household Sims on different lots don’t take care of their needs
Sims and toddlers aren't taking care of themselves when on another lot.
Can’t change lot type
Sometimes it's not possible to change the lot type for a certain lot. There's several causes for that.
Uploaded Content does not appear in gallery
Lots/Sims uploaded to the gallery do not appear even after hours.
Crime Scene is not being cleaned up
Many lots still have signs of crime scenes although the case has been closed a long while ago. These lots can't be bought furnished.
Lots can’t be bought furnished
Existing houses/apartments don't have the furnish option when trying to buy.
Visitors won’t leave
This cause was fixed. There are still issues with Sims entering your home uninvited and never leaving.
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