Connection to the gallery gets lost
The gallery doesn't automatically connect anymore when you start the game for performance reasons. You need to connect manually each time.
Screenshots not saving/ Can’t activate Mods/CC
Anti virus programs that come with ransom protection often block Sims to make changes to the user folder. This can lead to all sorts of problems.
Gallery Newsfeed stays empty
Delete notify.glob in your documents folder if your news feed stays empty.
Missing Uploads in the Gallery
The standard has been set back to newest. This issue should not occur anymore.
Game freezes because of too many Tray-Files
This specific issue was fixed in Patch 1.24.112
Uploaded Content does not appear in gallery
Lots/Sims uploaded to the gallery do not appear even after hours.
All in the CAS Demo saved Sims are gone
After installing the Sims 4, all of my Sims are gone from my library. I uploaded them to the gallery and now they are gone
The Gallery
Explains how the gallery works