Restaurants: Error code 123:20ece5dd
Be aware that the error number you get is important in it’s whole length. If you have different code, your issue is different from this one and might be mod related. Numbers may vary for Xbox and Playstation.
List with other codes can be found here: Load Errors
More information about loading errors can be found here: Loading a family just reloads the map
I’m trying to load a restaurant but
I’m trying to load restaurant but I’m booted back to the map and get an error code 123:20ece5dd.
I also get the following exception.
Exception raised while processing zone spin up sequence: 'NoneType' object is not iterable (TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable)
Afterwards there’s a orange exclamation mark over the lot.
- Children’s Drawings on the table
- Incompatible CC
It’s possible that there’s other causes.
Remove the drawings and incompatible cc through build mode.
To fix the orange exclamation mark, load the lot in build mode (from the map) and go back out.
- No more placemats – no more broken restaurants by VeiledWoman