Faulty Events: Error Code 123:<Misc Numbers>
This bug was fixed in Patch 1.108.349/1.97
Your save game is not corrupt. The error is solvable (see solution below) but can occur any time until EA/Maxis fixes the underlying bug. Please keep your save game.
Reinstalling/repairing your game will not help with the error.
I’m trying to load lot but I’m booted back to the map and get an error code 123:<Misc Numbers>.
I also get the following exception.
Exception raised while processing zone spin up sequence: Multiple requests for zone directors with the same request type ZoneDirectorRequestType.DRAMA_SCHEDULER. Original: <sims4.tuning.instances.zoneDirector_<name of an event>
Afterwards there’s a orange exclamation mark over the lot.
Certain background events, that take place around the worlds stopped ending. There’s a conflict happening if a Sim travels to such a lot and the game boots back to the map.
Afterwards the Sim that traveled there is caught on that lot and can’t be loaded at all anymore.
Affected lots/events
(list not conclusive)
- Lots with the Up-and-coming hotspot lot trait (Meet a Celebrity event)
- Lots with the Hottest Spot in Town lot trait (Starlight Accolades Awards)
- Bars in Brichester (Events from Uni Organisations/College Party)
- Dorms in Brichester (Cram for Exam event)
- ThriftTea (Poetry Nights and others)
- Prom & Uni graduation
Unclear if affected
- Festivals
- Themed bar events from Get Together (Alien night, Knight Night, ..)
Make household loadable again
There are several ways to make your household playable again.
- Evict the Sim through the map and move them back in. They will no longer be on the affected lot
- Families that have multiple Sims and not all Sims are on the affected lot: Load another Sim and bring the stuck Sim over.
- Load a different family that’s not an affected lot and play with them for a while or invite them over if the family knows them.
- Use the method below do make the lot playable again.
Make lot loadable again
The method below removes all stuck events from the lot and then you can load it again. If you play on, new events will get stuck again. It’s best to avoid those lots until the bug is fixed.
- Load the lot in build mode and change the lot type
- Go back to the map
- Reload the lot and change the lot type back.
The orange exclamation mark
The orange exclamation mark is in this case not a sign of game corruption. The game simply can’t load the lot and thinks it’s incomplete because of that.
Go into build mode and back out to fix it.