
Patch 1.112.519/2.06

Your mods will not be disabled this time as this is only a small patch. Please make sure to check them anyways

Please backup your save games

Please read this post carefully: In Preparation for patching.

Today we get a small e-patch. Maxis finally fixed the Overlapping Festivals and objects in neighborhoods with apartments and residential rentals also got be properly cleaned up. They did not fix the issue that the objects get assigned to the wrong space so litter is bound to happen again. Hopefully that can be fixed too.

They also fixed the issue that a lot of clutter items went missing with Patch 1.112.481/2.05

Complete changes below.


Source: EA

Sul Sul, Simmers!

This update covers a series of quick fixes for issues reported on the previous update.

We’ve officially moved to the EA Forums, EA’s new platform for community engagement and reports. As part of the migration, we’ve also moved the open reports and their corresponding “me-toos” to the EA Forums. Visit EA Forums to share with us any issues you might be experiencing. This is the primary source for information, troubleshooting, and gathering information on issues being reported.

For the most up-to-date information on this release across all platforms, follow @TheSimsDirect or join The Sims Discord.

Thanks for all your reports!

Bug Fixes

  • [EA Forums] Addressed multiple cases where festival objects from different events (Romance, Flea Market, Spice, and Humor and Hijinks) overlapped on lots in San Myshuno. Additionally, rogue objects such as coffee cups, plates, flowers, cupcakes, crates, and boxes will no longer appear randomly floating or scattered around the city.
  • Fixed an issue where the full-body outfit (ymBody_SP60RobeBoxers) was wearable for female Sims.
  • [AHQ] Casanova Cave Top (ymTop_SP60Vest) now tucks in properly.
  • We missed these in the last patch notes!
  • [EA Forums] Clutter items that were not showing up under the clutter tag in Build Mode have been fixed. Let there be clutter!

Last Updated: January 28, 2025