Open Bugs

Endless loading – developmental_milestone_tracker


I can’t load my lot. The game just loads and loads. The issue seems to be a specific Sim.

I get an error code 110:578ef827 and land back on the map overview when I try to load into my lot.

I also get a LastException

<categoryid>developmental_milestone_tracker.py:1107</categoryid><desyncid>3df7ad5a52358d9d65e730c5</desyncid><systemconfig/><screenshot/><desyncdata>Exception raised while processing zone spin up sequence: 'Object not found: 0x8313c532' (KeyError: 'Object not found: 0x8313c532')


Endless loading and error codes can have a lot of causes.

This specific error is caused by certain milestones that are tied to objects. The game cant’ find that object anymore if you remove them from the game. Because of that, the Sim with the milestone attached causes the game to endlessly load or throw an error code.

In 99% of all cases the guilty object are CC playmats that have been removed from the mods folder. The playmat from the Storybook Nursery Kit can also cause this if you uninstall or disable the pack.

I’m unsure if the issue spreads through the gallery.


Enable/Install the pack again.