Patch 1.71.86/ 1.38

Your mods will be automatically disabled.
Please do make sure they are redeemed safe by the creator before enabling mods again and backup your save games.
Please also read this post carefully: In Preparation for patching
Today’s patch is rather disappointing bugfix-wise. There’s a few new birthday items made by cc creators (really like the direction EA is taking with involving the community more) but the fixes leave much to ask for. They added some more fixes for the Father Winter doesn’t appear at Winterfest/ Endless Generation of Father Winter so hopefully your broken saves should now be playable again. Children and toddler should have their body presets back and Aliens all their skin tones.
Complete changes below.
Source: EA
As of February 4th, The Sims™ is officially 21 years old. To be quite honest with you all, I have a lot of feelings regarding that as not only it confirms that I’m getting older, but also it makes me think about everything that The Sims has meant to so many people over these past 21 years.
My own personal – professional – journey in The Sims started in 2010 and since then I have seen every pack, every feature, and every comment from our wonderful community. Most importantly I have made great friendships with coworkers (former and current) and I have enjoyed a lot of the content our community shares and talks about on a daily basis.
This year we have nine amazing creators from The Sims community sharing their talent with all of us in honor of this joyous occasion. As of today you can see in your game 21 new creations present in your game, some in Build Mode and some in Create a Sim, that were designed by these members of our community. They are in both game areas with a Green Icon representing a present and they are tagged with the Special -> Birthday filter.
We have partnered with the wonderful HeyHarrie, peachyfaerie, storylegacysims, peacemaker_ic, Luumia, icemunmun, grimcookies, FeralPoodles, and AHarris00Britney. They have created unique and fun items for everyone to enjoy, so we hope that you like them as much as we do.
Along with these items we have a number of fixes and tweaks that we managed to deliver in this update. So thanks as always for your patience and support in reporting and helping our Live Operations team review and set these fixes in motion.
On behalf of Maxis I want to wish everyone a Happy 21st, and remember that You Make The Sims!
Happy Simming,