Bug Fixed
Fixed Bugs

Game/Time is freezing (Patch 1.68.154)



This main issues were fixed in Patch 1.69.57/ 1.35. Already affected saves still give issues.


Affected saves were fixed in Patch 1.71.86/ 1.38.


My game suddenly completely freezes and I can’t do anything. After a while it even crashes. The animations go on.

Cause & Symptoms

There are two main issues going on. Please check the links for more details on how to solve.

Bug Fixed

Typically this issue comes with any of the following symptoms

  • You had a winterfest and Father Winter never showed.
  • The game/clock freezes (Info: If your Sim freezes but time goes on then you most likely have a deadlock between Sims somewhere. That’s a different issue)
  • You can’t click anywhere. The clock stays on the current speed, you can’t change between Sims and the interactions menus are not appearing anymore.
  • You get a lastException: Exception while updating the sim filter service.. (TypeError: apply_permanent_appearance_modifiers() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘additional_flags’)
  • The usage of your RAM is insanely high (you can check this in your task manager)
  • After a while the game crashes (this happens when the game has eat up all your RAM – yes, even if you have 64 GB of it)
  • The game takes forever to load
  • The game saves endlessly
  • It doesn’t matter which household you play. The problem appears anywhere.
  • The save game is compared to the backups a multiple in size.
Bug Fixed
  • The game/clock freezes (Info: If your Sim freezes but time goes on then you most likely have a deadlock between Sims somewhere. That’s a different issue)
  • You can’t click anywhere. The clock stays on the current speed, you can’t change between Sims and the interactions menus are not appearing anymore.
  • The game saves endlessly
  • The RAM usage is steady
  • The size of the save game doesn’t increase significantly in size.
  • You don’t get any LastExceptions.
  • If you change to another family in the same save, the game works fine
  • If you replace the house of the family with another, the game works fine.

Other unknown causes

Lags and Game freezes have a multitude of causes and can occur any time. It’s best to check AHQ for any known issues going on or to get proper help.