Game/Time is freezing (Patch 1.68.154)
This main issues were fixed in Patch 1.69.57/ 1.35. Already affected saves still give issues.
Affected saves were fixed in Patch 1.71.86/ 1.38.
My game suddenly completely freezes and I can’t do anything. After a while it even crashes. The animations go on.
Cause & Symptoms
There are two main issues going on. Please check the links for more details on how to solve.
Typically this issue comes with any of the following symptoms
- You had a winterfest and Father Winter never showed.
- The game/clock freezes (Info: If your Sim freezes but time goes on then you most likely have a deadlock between Sims somewhere. That’s a different issue)
- You can’t click anywhere. The clock stays on the current speed, you can’t change between Sims and the interactions menus are not appearing anymore.
- You get a lastException: Exception while updating the sim filter service.. (TypeError: apply_permanent_appearance_modifiers() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘additional_flags’)
- The usage of your RAM is insanely high (you can check this in your task manager)
- After a while the game crashes (this happens when the game has eat up all your RAM – yes, even if you have 64 GB of it)
- The game takes forever to load
- The game saves endlessly
- It doesn’t matter which household you play. The problem appears anywhere.
- The save game is compared to the backups a multiple in size.
- The game/clock freezes (Info: If your Sim freezes but time goes on then you most likely have a deadlock between Sims somewhere. That’s a different issue)
- You can’t click anywhere. The clock stays on the current speed, you can’t change between Sims and the interactions menus are not appearing anymore.
- The game saves endlessly
- The RAM usage is steady
- The size of the save game doesn’t increase significantly in size.
- You don’t get any LastExceptions.
- If you change to another family in the same save, the game works fine
- If you replace the house of the family with another, the game works fine.
Other unknown causes
Lags and Game freezes have a multitude of causes and can occur any time. It’s best to check AHQ for any known issues going on or to get proper help.