Patch 1.51.77

Your mods will not be disabled this time as this is only a small patch. Please make sure to check them anyways
Please backup your save games
Please read this post carefully: In Preparation for patching.
New patch, new luck. Small emergency patch but important.
As per announcement EA/Maxis fixed the string issue for mods and also threw in two more fixes: One for MacOS X Lion users and another attempt to fix the invite on the wrong lot issue.
As Graham said in his post, mods that have been updated to fix the strings do not need to be updated again. Since the workaround used isn’t the best, it is possible that some modders are posting yet another update. Keep an eye out.
Complete changes below.
Source: EA
Hi Simmers,
We wanted to swiftly address some unintentional issues that popped up following the 4/16 game update.
- Fixed an issue where custom text was not always displaying properly in-game.
- Fixed an issue where NPC invites to festivals or to residences were sending Sims to an incorrect destination.
- There is still a lingering issue regarding invites to events in Get Famous, such as the talent showcase, and celebrity sightings. We are continuing to investigate those for a future update.
- Fixed an issue where Mac players on certain older versions of OS X were unable to launch the game. As a result, we rolled back a fix that was done for Mac players on 64-bit systems that eliminated a false error message which said, “The Sims 4” is not optimized for your Mac and needs to be updated.”