My Sims age randomly changes
There’s a new bug that’s very similar to this one. Please see this for more details: Sims randomly age after loading into Live Mode
This bug was fixed in Patch 1.47.51.
I was in CAS and now my Sims is suddenly a few days older/younger than before.
Since Patch 1.47.46 Sims age in CAS (the can also become younger). It doesn’t matter if you have aging on or off. There are even reports of Vampires aging. The more time you spend in CAS, the bigger the difference.
There is currently none that’s satisfying.
As it seems the Get Famous game pack fixes the bug (EA Game Changer Early Access – Thanks to EA) but buying a pack to fix a bug is not really worth it. –> This has unfortunately proven to be wrong. The Sim I was testing with just isn’t affected by the bug. It has nothing to do with the pack.
Best thing to do is to not go to CAS until the bug is fixed.