Free Will/Auto solve doesn’t work
This was a very specific issue that was solved a while ago. Issues with free will and general lags can still occur, depending on the size of your house and your computer specs.
- When I click on the need bar to auto-solve my Sims low fun level, nothing happens
- When I click on the energy bar to auto-solve my Sims low energy level, nothing happens
- My Sim simply stands around doing nothing although free will is on.
Unclear but the cause lies with the active lot. Something is blocking the Sim to auto-solve his fun/energy needs. Sims with low fun loose their ability to free will because of it.
The fun issue might be connected to computers in your house.
Unfortunately this solution only solves it temporarily.
- Move your family to a new lot (Make sure to sell your furniture)
- Open the lot in build mode and save it to the library
- Bulldoze the lot
- Re-place it from your library
- Move the family back in
- Start the family
- The issue should be solved.
- MC Command Center has a bypass for the issue in V2.0.0