Theophil Binz investigates: Producer Event in Cologne

The article about this event can be found here: Get Together – Producer Event in Cologne.
Update: I have now closed the comments.
On Tuesday, March 10th a producer event on The Sims 4: Get to work will take place in Cologne. EA has invited me to join. Next to a presentation, we will also be allowed to play the game for a few hours so that I can try some stuff myself.
Theophil Binz, Head of Police in the little fictional town of Traumendorf, will be assisting me and is collecting your questions. Please post them until Sunday, March 8th 2015, 9 pm CET in the comments below and I will try to get answers for you, either by asking the producer or trying it out myself. I can’t guarantee it, but I’ll try my best.
Please keep your questions to the new expansion pack. I won’t be asking questions about future content or bugs since they won’t be answered anyways.
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The report on my adventures will follow by the end of next week since there will be an Embargo on the info we get until Friday, March 13th 2015.