
Start Sims 4 in Windowed/Fullscreen Mode


Sometimes it’s necessary to start the game in windowed (or fullscreen) mode to be able to run it in the first place. Since you can’t change the graphics options without entering the game, extra methods are needed to switch the mode from outside the game. There are two options to do this.

Sims 4 has three different Display Types: Fullscreen, Windowed and Windowed-Fullscreen. You can set the mode through a command line argument (I’m unsure if there’s also one for windowed-fullscreen).

This method only works if you add the arguments in online mode. Command line arguments can’t be added while you’re offline. They do work if you add them in offline mode and then go offline


Start Origin and Login

Find the Game in My Game Library

Right-Click on the game and choose Game Properties

Click on the Tab Advanced Launch Options

In the field under Command line arguments put the argument and hit save.

If you want to add multiple arguments, separate them with a space.

This method only works if you add the arguments in online mode. Command line arguments can’t be added while you’re offline. They do work if you add them in online mode and then go offline.

The command line arguments do not work if you start the game through the shortcut. Please use shortcut instructions for that method.


Start EA app and Login

Find the game in My Collection

Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the game and choose View Properties

Under Advanced Launch Options put the arguments and click Save

If you want to add multiple arguments, separate them with a space.


Start Steam and login

Find the game in Library

Right-Click on the game and choose Properties

Choose General

In the field under Launch options add the command line arguments and click enter

If you want to add multiple arguments, separate them with a space.

This method only works if you start the game through a specific short-cut. They are ignored if you start the game via Origin or Steam


Right-click on the shortcut on your desktop

Choose Properties

Add the command line arguments after the program in target (make sure to add a space after the closing quotes)

If you want to add multiple arguments, separate them with a space.

Click on OK


Add the following command line arguments

  • For Windowed Mode: -w
  • For Fullscreen Mode: -f

Start the game

After starting the game you can set the desired setting in the game and then remove the setting in Origin.

Note: Removing the command line argument does not switch the mode back to what it was. You need to either do that from within the game or use the other command line argument.

This method only works if the game was already started once and the user folder has the file needed.

Sims 4 has three different Display Types: Fullscreen, Windowed and Windowed-Fullscreen. You can set the mode directly in the Options.ini file


Make sure the game is closed

Navigate to your user folder in the file system and find the file Options.ini. If you have known extensions hidden you will only see the file as Options.

Right-Click on the file and choose: Open with and then Editor (you can use any text editor of your choosing).

Change the desired options

Save your changes. Make sure, Windows doesn’t add a txt as extension. The file needs to say an ini file and needs to have the corresponding icon.

Start the game.


Look for the following entries in the file: fullscreen = and windowedfullscreen =

Change the value as follows:

  • Fullscreen: fullscreen = 1, windowedfullscreen = 0
  • Fullscreen-Windowed: fullscreen = 1, windowedfullscreen = 1
  • Windowed: fullscreen = 0, windowedfullscreen = 0