
Crib appears in inaccessible locations


Bug Fixed

My Sims live in an apartment and when the baby was born it spawned in the conman area/inside the shell/on the street or other inaccessible locations.


The crib is created in the ocean


The crib is created outside or on the border of the lot.

Now I can’t take care of the baby and it’s on the verge of being taken away.

Ursache & Lösung


The crib is placed at a inaccessible place (off-lot or even in the ocean).

Move to a different house but place a crib (one per baby) on the lot before doing so.

Bug Fixed

Seems the game doesn’t recognize inaccessible locations in apartments and spawns the baby crib anywhere.

This issue has now been solved and your babies should no longer spawn in inaccessible areas. In most cases, existing inaccessible cribs should be placed inside the apartment automatically but there’s a couple exceptions to the rule

  • The baby belongs to a neighboring family and not your own
  • The baby has since grown up
  • Make sure the lot to which the crib belongs to is the active one.
  • To fix it, you need to make sure there’s a baby in your family. If the child is still a baby, it should be placed into your family inventory or on the lot, close to the bed. If not, continue further down
  • If there’s no baby in the family, adopt one (or try for baby and wait until it’s born)
  • The baby should spawn in the existing crib.
  • Change to the household manager and evict the family
  • If you want to keep the baby, move the family back to your lot. The crib should now be in your family inventory or next to the bed
  • If you don’t want to keep the baby, you can either delete it in CAS or you can just move it to some random townie family. Then move back.

How to prevent

  • I didn’t verify this but try to place the crib before birth. The baby should then spawn in that one (place two just in case as you never know when you have twins)
  • Make sure your pregnant Sims isn’t in the common area when the baby comes.
  • Have the baby in a house.
  • Cribs are usually spawned close to a bed. If there are none, they are spawned around the mailbox. On some lots that’s very close to the border of the lot and if you have multiple babies that can cause them to get stuck outside. Try moving the mailbox before moving in or build a house with enough space for the cribs to spawn around the bed.