Bug Fixed
Fixed Bugs

Woohoo always gives uncomfortable moodlet


This bug was fixed in Patch 1.5.149


One Sim always gets a unconformable moodlet from mediocre woohoo and the other will think it was spectacular. There’s also always the message that they’ve woohooed for the first time although that is untrue.


Unclear but this bug started with Patch 1.5.139


Use Cheats to get rid of the moodlets

The solution below to remove moodlets doesn’t work without mods anymore. You’ll need the AllCheats Mod by TwistedMexi.

Do the following steps to use the cheat console

  1. Open the cheat console with ctl-shift-c
  2. Enter the cheat you need in the entry box which appeared in the upper left corner of your screen.
  3. Hit ENTER
  4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 for every necessary cheat.
  5. After entering all needed cheats, close the cheat console with ctl-shift-c

Variant A

  • testingcheats true
  • Make sure the affected Sim is active.
  • sims.add_buff CompletelySatisfied

Variant B

  • testingcheats true
  • Make sure the affected Sim is active.
  • Sims.remove_buff Skill_Woohoo_Unsatisfied